Karma Healing and Restructuring Uplifts a Person's Life
Life Issues are a result of Past Deeds. These can be self created, inherited ancestral, 3rd party curses, black magic.
Life Issues are a result of Past Deeds. These can be self created, inherited ancestral, 3rd party curses, black magic.
Guruma's Spiritual Awakening Journey and Karma Healing Information
At Brahmee Karma Healing Center we help everyone to Uplift Their Life Journey
A person's planetary configuration provides a detailed overview of your success, wealth, losses, struggles, relationships, health, and blocks from past life curses and negative karma created. Karma healing processes conducted by Guruma Shiva Paraksha through guidance from Goddess Pratyangira reduce or eliminate the karmic life struggles and hardships created from your own past life negative activities.
For a Prasnam or a Vedic Birth Chart Planetary Configuration Information Request Click Here
We are spiritual beings experiencing human life. As spiritual beings, we are part of this Universal system and the Cosmic consciousness which is all energy. All individuals vibrate at their level of frequency. Heavy karma from past lives and current life makes a person's vibration more dense. The high density of a person's energy field creates a life full of hardship. Each person's energy vibration stays with them even at physical death. Their spirit holds the energy vibration. Reincarnation carries the vibration onto the next life.
Karma healings make the energy vibrations lighter and raise the person's frequency. Spiritual upliftment/awakening is the process of raising your vibration and opening up to the higher vibration consciousness frequencies and wisdom.
Multi-dimensional karma healing involves the energetic cleansing of past and present life karma. Removal of blocks, entities, curses, black magic, ancestral spirits, and negative energies. A person's energies are purified, and new doorways are opened with spiritual growth. Karma clearing is done by Guruma Shiva Paraksha
An energetic scan by Guruma Shiva Paraksha helps identify surface-level issues.
A Vedic Astrology Birth Chart provides detailed planetary configuration information at birth. This shows the karma blocks being carried by the person and results in their positive or negative life experiences.
A detailed review of the Vedic planetary configuration is studied and analyzed.
Permission and Guidance are obtained from the Karma Celestial Goddess (MahaDevi Pratyangiraa) on what should be done.
All the Vedic procedures are provided to Guruma Shiva Paraksha with constant interaction with the Goddess on healing the karma issues.
A time is scheduled to conduct the Brahmee Vedic Processes to heal the karmas identified for the current issues.
Healing happens when negative energies and accumulated negative karma are cleared
Sickness, depression, life struggle issues have been identified to be from past life negative karma, curses and ancestral spirits/ghosts. Once identified, the Vedic process provides karma healing, spiritual growth, spirit removal, cleansing of negative energy curses, black magic and other blocks.
A person's planetary configuration identifies their life karmic journey. Hardship, financial losses and overall bad luck are periods under the influence of Saturn with other related planets. These harsh periods of the life journey are identified and through karma healing harshness of planetary affects are subdued.
Business and Property location, direction and negative energies (including spirits) within the premises can create lack of prosperity, losses, relationship issues, sickness and many types of ongoing problems. The core issues creating the problems are identified and healed through spirit removal, karma healing and cleansing of negative energies.
Curses (from current life, past lives, and ancestral affecting future generations), as well as dark malevolent energies, cause ongoing accidents, pain, hardship, depression, and sickness. These are identified through a scan. The Vedic process provide karma healing, spirit removal, and clear negative energy, curses and blocks.
Transformation in a person's life is experienced when negative blocks are energetically cleared. These blocks are created by anger, guilt, negative thoughts / words / actions accumulated throughout their life. Advanced Vedic processes provide karma healing, spirit removal, negative energy removal and spiritual growth.
Do you experience effective results from your meditation or prayers conducted? The correct Vedic prayer process with advanced meditation (sadhana) through celestial guidelines provides spiritual growth with the most effective results and transformation.
Karma Healing is about clearing blocks that come from the creation of negative Karma and the effects of negative energies created.
Powerful protection and healing mantras are provided to clear negative energies
Scanning shows a person's energy fields as well other energies (spirits/ghost entities) from premises that effect the person
Information on Brahmee Karma Healing, Spiritual Growth, Self Exploration and Transformation from reviewing your planetary birth chart configurations
Your life journey is determined by the planetary configuration of your birth blueprint. Your past and present life karma creates and changes the configuration of the planets. Where these planets reside in your Vedic Astrology birth chart initiates how your life journey unfolds. Success, wealth, pain, hardship, loss, relationship, and health issues are identified through the planetary configuration and scanning of past life layers. Karma blocks are revealed. Advanced Vedic processes with divine (celestial) guidance provide karma healing and spiritual growth.
Request your Advanced Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Session Here.
Negative energies in a home or business premise can cause sickness, arguments, financial drain or loss, lawsuits, machinery breakdown, permit delays, employee problems/injuries and death. Karma Healing clears negative energies and blocks.
Blocked Chakras disrupt the flow of prana energies within a person's body-mind system. A Chakra scan with a Vedic Astrology session shows your blocked Chakras. Healing and dismantling blocked Chakras is a process that requires clearing past and present karmas as these create the deep-rooted blocks. Full kundalini activation with spiritual growth can only happen when all karmas and chakras are balanced. View a Chakra scan by Guruma Shiva Paksha here.
Identify the core cause of your pain and any of your issues (health, depression, financial loss, relationship struggles/arguments, constant anger, unemployment, business) and resolve these.
Guruma Shiva Paraksha receives direct guidance and instructions from Devi Pratyangiraa (Celestial Goddess) on all Vedic prayers, homa, poojas that need to be done for a person for their karma healing and clear their blocks and premises from accumulated negative karmic energies. View Vedic Karma Healing Process Details
Personal powerful Vedic karma healing prayers are done during a live zoom session for up to 10 people. Click here to register and select the type of prayers required:
1. Protection
2. Health (Physical/Mental/Emotional)
3. Karma-Balance/Subdue/Reduce
4. Relationship-Emotional
5. Work/Career Success
6. Removing Negative Energies
7. Spiritual Growth
8. Spirit Removal
Clear stress, anxiety, anger, depression, greed, lust, jealousy, emotional blocks, fear, negative ego. Develop compassion, purification, prosperity, clarity, emotional stability, balance, Self-development and Spiritual Growth.
Read Articles and Testimonials on peoples issues and how Guruma helped resolve these through Karma healing.
Karma is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. What you put out by thoughts, words or actions comes back to you. Life pain karma faced today is the result of past deeds from both this life and past life. The required spiritual karma healing is diagnosed through an energy scan as well as your Vedic Astrological Chart.
What is negative karma? How can hardship, sickness, financial loss, relationship issues caused through negative karma be subdued? Watch the talk on karma healing by Guruma Shiva Paraksha.
How you create negative energies that harm you
Eat without contaminating your consciousness
We have successfully helped many identify the cause of their issues from Vedic astrology charts, and resolved individuals and business problems through negative energy removal and karma healing.
Personal issues resolved include severe health problems (cancer, critical life/death, constant fever, walking disability, epilepsy, depression), broken marriages, self imbalance (awareness of wrong actions and opinions towards others), home premises blocks on prosperity and growth.
Business issues resolved include factories with constant machinary breakdowns, ongoing employee issues/injuries, death on premises, embezzlement, land development/construction problems, permit and license delay, legal matters/fine reduction, revenue losses.
We care about your well being and will provide you with guidance, spiritual growth knowledge, karma healing and negative energy removal. We are here to help you achieve optimal spiritual wellness. Business problems are also resolved. Celestial Vedic karma healing through ancient Vedic processes clear negative karma blocks and mitigate issues.
Energy scan and Vedic Astrology helps identify past karma's through the current locations of planets in your birth chart. Energy scan also helps identify the negative energies that create life issues being experienced by a person as well as from living premises or business location. By knowing this information many hardships are neutralized and mitigated through celestial Vedic karma healing.
Many neighborhoods (including wealthy homes) and business premises are built on ancient burial grounds or graveyards. Deceased entities/spirits occupy many premises. Malevolent entities create problems for people and businesses by using the premises they occupy. Many have experienced a loss in business revenue due to ongoing issues in their business. People have also suffered from injuries and health issues. Clarity of thoughts in many cases is clogged creating confusion in decisions. The celestial healing process provides spirit removal and releases these entities from the premises permanently. Negative energy removal with karma healing has improved health conditions, personal well-being, clarity of thought, and work performance. Businesses including large global factories with severe production issues and workforce injuries have attained higher levels of success after clearing negative energies.
Sudden death in many cases holds back spirits from crossing over to the spirit realm. These spirits can get stuck in this realm for hundreds of years. Karmas of these ancestors can affect future generations negatively. Release of deceased loved ones and ancestors that have been stuck in this realm and not able to crossover can be attained through Vedic processes with permission from Devi (goddess). Many have successfully crossed over after conducting the Vedic crossover process.
Celestial karma healings provide negative energy removal, clears past karma blocks for life progress, develops energetic purification of the mind-body system and opens up higher inner doorways towards Self Realization. Experience higher spiritual growth and develop a life filled with happiness, success and deeper inner development.
Advanced Spiritual Satsang Events
The Karma Healing Self Exploration discovery process starts with understanding the effect of your past negative and positive karma. A person's planetary configuration at their time/date of birth and birth location shows the karmic influence on a person's life journey. This includes successes, failures, health and relationship issues, strengths and weaknesses as well as personality type. Most do not realize or consider this until they experience some type of deep pain or hardship from life issues. At that point through research and guidance, awareness of the karmic influence is understood and healing of the situation is sought.
1. Heal and clear all past and present karma from your body-mind-spirit system.
2. Your energy frequency is raised when karmas are healed.
3. Uplifting your energies to the higher frequency vibration opens you up to receive the higher layers of consciousness wisdom and life upliftments
Talk by Guruma Shiva Paraksha followed by Q&A and personal experiences on Karma issues and Spiritual Growth.
Satsang on the Self-Exploration Discovery Process and Karma
Online Class - Date to be Determined
To receive more information on the Advanced Spiritual Satsang events in your country, please the form below with "Interested in Advanced Spiritual Satsang events" in the description.
Fill out the form below for an introduction complimentary call with Guruma to discuss your concerns/issues and an explanation of what is revealed through the energetic scanning and Vedic Astrology session. She will also let you know if your issue(s) require a Vedic Planetary Chart/Session.